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Supporting Rada with a Seed capital of USD10,000

At the idea stage of Rada, Nile Breweries under the kickstart Youth social Enterprise Programme supported Rada Shoes. The Kickstart challenge invited applications from youth with social enterprises across the country and out of 600 business concepts submitted, Rada made it to the vigorous pitching competition- a mutli stage elimination process judged by leading business personalities in the country.

Coaching services were provided by Enterprise Uganda, and televised by NTV Uganda. Rada emerged a winner of seed capital grant of 10,000. The seed capital sprouted and resulted into the current business at Rada. From 5 pairs a day, Rada grew up to 100 pairs per day. Rada leveraged the capital and invested another USD20,000 from debt and equity, and set up modern manufacturing facility that is still expanding. We moved from 2 employees at that time and created an additional 12 jobs as a result of the grant and more and more children were able to access high quality shoes at affordable prices.


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