To provide high quality footwear solutions that are affordable, accessible and diverse for the East African market.
Inspiring every game changer to step out and soar. To achieve this vision, the company aims to focus on a short term ambitious vision of “Every School Going Child with a Pair of Rada Shoes".
The company operates on the following principles:-
Customer centric
Innovative, flexible and people oriented
To become the leading supplier of quality Leather products, to low end markets in Uganda and the great lakes region.
To expand the product range of Leather products in Uganda in the next five years.
To instil confidence and ensure loyalty among consumers
Enhance productivity by adding value through continuous research and innovative production
To ensure that every school going child has a pair of Rada shoes.
To create opportunities for the community
Every school going child with a pair of Rada shoes. We want to inspire every one, who believes in changing and disrupting the game to fly, to be able to do better things innovatively for a better world and future. To achieve this, our Rada school shoes shall inspire the education of children to dream.
We are independent workers guided by passion and purpose to excellence. We are disruptive to add fashion sense to footwear, to help people step out with a Rada shoes and achieve that dream. We are never satisfied by our results, until our previously less satisfied clients give us a nod.
Our company operates on the following principles:
Customer centric
Innovative, flexible and people oriented
We are best people at footwear, from getting off that hide, tanning it, and crafting it to an admirable art piece, to taking it closer to the client. We train our own people to fit our culture. We are ambitious people and the quality of our products define who we are. We are a people based organisation and people are at the core of our strategy. As such, we believe in the following;-
We believe in possibilities, we do the ‘impossible’, if we can’t do it, then it doesn’t exist.
We cherish and only communicate incredible results, not excuses. Results that change the game.
We are individually responsible and accountable for our actions and results.
We believe in a simple life, and we simplify everything we do, to better our previous best.
Our products excite lives; we would pay more for our products amidst competition.
Rada Investment License