Market Linkages...
We work to ensure that buyers and sellers meet.
There is a yawning market for almost everything in our region and beyond. Especially focusing on agribusiness so far, we find buyers for sellers. Our informing philosophy is consistency, and so our approach is medium-to-long term, working together with the MSME to assure consistency of quality and of quantity. Once consistency of quantity of agreed quality is assured, we will get your anything to be bought.
On the buyer side, we will facilitate buyer MOUs and contracts that we will not only monitor but also participate directly in executing.
Leads are discovered and deals made via various fora that IRIS facilitates, including:
The IRIS BiD Breakfast: Held every last Friday morning of every even month of the year, the IRIS BiD Breakfast is hosted at the City Royal Resort Hotel, Bugolobi, from 8.00am to 11.00am. It is a structured networking and learning event where up to 30 entrepreneurs take time to network, explore opportunities, hold themed discussions with seasoned entrepreneurs and get tips on how they can strengthen their own businesses, on top of a wholesome breakfast.
We have guest presenters, from policy makers and implementers like URA, URSB, UIA to CEOs and academicians, among others. Potential investors are present and entrepreneurs get to pitch. With prior arrangement, entrepreneurs hold mini exhibitions to showcase their products. The Breakfast has been going for years!
The IRIS BizDrink will happen every last Friday evening of every odd month of the year, starting November 2015. It is an informal gathering of budding and established entrepreneurs to network and exchange business ideas in the hope that these informal meetings will culminate into solid market linkages, and opportunities for learning and support.
We are setting up IRIS COMMODITIES to further facilitate market linkage through direct participation in commodity trade. IRIS Commodities will be able to respond to the needs of the abrupt short term need of sellers and buyers in particular value chains.