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Dr. Michelle Butler

Queen' University Belfast

Northern Ireland

This project has arose from previous work undertaken by Dr Cyprian Misinde , Makerere University, Uganda and Dr Michelle Butler , Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland. Dr Misinde and Dr Butler received funding from the Department of the Economy , Northern Ireland to conduct some exploratory research into the impact of parental and caregiver imprisonment on children in Uganda. This funding was awarded as part of the Global Challenges Research Fund which seeks to support research that addresses the challenges faced by developing countries. The publications arising from this research are available below.


Following on from this exploratory research, Dr Misinde and Dr. Butler received funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council Global Challenges Research Fund  to work with policymakers and practitioners to disseminate their research findings and raise awareness of how parental/caregiver imprisonment may negatively affect children, their outcomes and efforts to address development challenges. This project builds on the exploratory research and dissemination activity to create a network of policymakers, practitioners and researchers to share knowledge, skills and experiences, as well as build capacity to undertake research in this area to inform policy, practice and the improvement of children’s outcomes. This project is being funded by the Academy of Medical Sciences Global Challenges Research Fund .



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